Sunday, January 13, 2008


I'm a guy who works several hours a week. Sometimes I get called in to handle things in the middle of the night. My work keeps me very busy not to mention that I take evening classes. So where am I going to fit in the time to take care of a new child. I really want to be a big part of my childs life and be there for him/her. My father was a workaholic also and he really missed out on some key moments in my life. I just don't want to be that father who misses out on the games and events in my childs life. I don't have the luxury of just changing jobs, its a little more complicated than that. The reason I'm trying to complete my college education is so I can find a job that allows me to spend the time with my family.
Don't get me wrong. I am really exited to have this child with my wife. I wouldn't change it for the world. I am ready to have a family and I'm not getting any younger either. I feel like I'm getting older by the second. This feels like the perfect time for my wife and I to have our first one. Is it the right time according to life to have one? I really don't think there will ever be a perfect time to have one. Whether it's finances, work, or any other of life's obstacles that we face it is something that is difficult to plan. I'm just the type of guy that likes to be prepared for everything. I know thats impossible in this case but I would like to do my best to be ready.

1 comment:

KOE said...

I guess you are a busy guy. I wonder how one can manage the stress of school and work together. I also think the situation in US is getting worse and it conflict with our lifestyle.