Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Still Going

Things are still moving along. They are actually moving a lot faster than what I had expected. Here we are at the half way point of the pregnancy and it feels like yesterday I just found out the good news. The wife is definately showing signs now and is getting a belly on her. My wife has always been thin but it is funny to see her with a beer belly. We are just taking it all in right now and enjoying the time during pregnancy. I did finally feel the baby kick the other night and if there was any question who it would take after, its definately me.

We find out tomorrow what we are having. The big day is finally here. I'm still on the fence about this one because I think they both have their pros and cons. I am just excited to here the news tomorrow and tell my family what we are having .

We've been keeping our names for the baby a secret, because I really don't want to hear people's opinion on what we are going to call our child. Too many people (my family) try to put their input on what they think would be a good name. Sometimes they even tell you that they didn't like the name that you picked out. Well, I don't care what they think, it's not like I'm going to name it Clyde or Chuck. I have to be careful with my last name anyway. Wood doesn't work well with a lot of first names, Chuck Wood. See what I mean, its a real kick in the pants.


bigwetdirt said...

Its nice to see that you care about your child. LOL the nickname tiny would probably be bad.

Cap'n Fatback said...

Ah, a metaphorical connection to the picture. Nice.

So, the baby takes after you? You're quite the kicker too? Antsy perhaps?

My friend Mike (with an extremely Polish last name) kept his child's name a secret up to the end. When his son was born, we discovered that Mike honored his Polish ancestry by naming his child Copernicus. Karen, the mother, was (and still is, presumably)okay with it.

Where's the link?

JKA said...

My wife and I aren’t even considering having children yet, and already we’re getting name suggestions. Just keep shrugging them off. What else can you do?

Zeek said...

That is really cool. yeah what ever you and your wife want to name your child you should do. i mean it is your child not your parents. i am sure that you pick a wonderful name.