Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Waters

I have decided to change my major. A couple of post ago I talked about how I was going to change from Mechanical Engineering to Aviation at Ohio State. The past couple of weeks I wondered if this was the best time to be making these changes in my life. I have a new baby on the way which is going to be a huge adjustment in itself. Now I'm going to change majors on top of that, what am I doing to myself?

This spring quarter I decided to take the Aviation 310 course to see if this is the avenue that I want to take. I've never stepped outside the box until now. I'm going to use this class to determine if I should just do this as a hobby or as a profession. My work right now has been very stressed out and I'm just not enjoying it anymore. I don't want to be the grumbling daddy coming home complaining about work.

I deserve to be happy, but most importantly my family deserves it more.

1 comment:

Cap'n Fatback said...

Exciting stuff, Duane, but I'm confident that someone as diligent as you can nearly move mountains. Well done in class, and good luck in your pursuit of being a flyboy.