The internet has become a good source for information for us. We can find anything but what more blogs can offer us that we couldn’t already find on the internet. Blogs have become an unscripted source of information. Blogs are real people talking about real things. I have found that blogs are a good source of information, maybe not factual, but a way to get honest answers and feelings. You can find blogs where people are talking about consumer products and giving their reviews and blogs that are talking about how people feel about certain things going on in their lives. Blogs are a good source of entertainment too. People will write about comical things they have experience in their life. I think that there are more pros than cons that we get from blogs and I think that there is more to gain than to lose by blogging ourselves.
Blogging to me has become my therapy. I’m not a guy that is very open about a lot of things. In the blog USMC and Me, the author Bigwetdirt talks about the life experiences he has been through to lead him to where he is at today. In his post he talks about wanting to join the Marine Corps, but talks about his life struggles that are keeping him from joining up right now. Blogs offer us space to share what we are feeling and going through as individuals. We all struggle through life in different ways but sometimes they are very similar to other people struggles. In blogs we can talk about those things and even get feedback from people who can relate to us. Blogs let us communicate with other people and give us a chance to see what they have posted and relate it to ourselves.
The down side to this is you also need to be ready for negative feedback. Just as people would be able to relate to you there are others that won’t be able to. You definitely need to be able to take the constructive criticism and move on. Since blogs are open to just about anybody, this leaves a chance for someone to get a rise out of you by giving you some negative feedback. The way to keep those people out is just to make your blog private to those who you want to read your post.
Blogs are also a good source of consumer information. On the website it gives consumers the opportunity to write post on baby products they’ve had experience with. This allows the consumer to write their own review and get feedback on their review. As I’m going through this pregnancy with my wife I have found blogs very helpful in learning about certain kid’s toys and products. The advantage to the blog over internet research is that you will not get a generic answer. Most research that you will do on the internet about products is what that company wants you to see. There are some sites that are primarily for consumer reviews but they never get into depth on what problems and why they had them. Blogs give people a chance to talk in detail about good or bad products out there in the market.
The draw back to this is getting a disgruntled consumer and they just go on and on about how they hate the product. They really don’t provide a good reason why, but just bash the manufacturer. These types of people are very negative people who just want to project their negativity on other people. That is what blogs can do for us; speak our mind openly and honestly.
Entertainment is another good reason that I think blogs are great. People can describe things that have happened in their lives in a comical way. In the blog Because I Said So, the author Dawn writes about her challenges of raising 3 boys and 3 girls. She writes about it in such a humorous way that you want to laugh with her as your reading her blog. She even adds funny pictures of the children at their best moments as a visual to what she is going through at that time. As a reader this will keep very interested and it lets me know that she is an everyday person like me.
Blogs have been very helpful to me. I think they are very important in this internet age that we live in because of the raw form blogs are given to us in. They have let me into other people’s lives and let me learn how they deal with things in their experiences. It also has given me a chance to relate to them what I’m going through. It has been a really good and informal way for me to share my feelings. Blogs are can be very helpful to people in many ways because there are so many variety of blogs. Blogging has changed my life and has been very helpful in the most important time of my life.